Sponsored Post Every organization is vulnerable to cyber threats, and endpoint devices are a common target for cyber criminals.
Some sources suggest that as many as 90 percent of successful cyberattacks and 70 percent of successful data breaches originate at endpoint devices. The Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024 published jointly by IBM and Ponemon Institute also puts the average global cost of those data breaches at USD4.88m per incident.
Sophos estimated that 59 percent of the 5,000 organizations across 14 countries it surveyed Deep Instinct’s Voice of SecOps 2024 report, nearly half (47 percent) of respondents said their companies now have a policy to pay any ransoms associated with a cyber security threat.
Protecting employees, devices and the sensitive information they hold from those attacks is crucial to business operations. But the task can be made doubly difficult when large numbers of hybrid workers, partners and third parties routinely connect to systems from different locations using Windows devices without TPM security chipsets.
That’s a big attack surface, one that IGEL’s Preventative Security Model is designed to reduce by as much as 95 percent compared to traditional endpoint security approaches. It unites deployment methodologies and SSE/SASE frameworks encompassing IAM and UEM with a range of endpoint hardware platforms to help IT departments manage protection across the entire organization.
Designed with Zero Trust principles and integrated into other Zero Trust technologies, IGEL OS provides a lightweight, Linux-based operating system which has been optimized for endpoints in SaaS and virtualized environments, By moving Windows to VDI terminals and cloud-based virtual desktops such as Microsoft AVD, Cloud PC, Citrix or Omnissa accessed by browsers and DaaS/SaaS applications for example, IGEL estimates it can save businesses up to 75 percent on endpoint total cost of ownership (TCO) whilst simultaneously extending the life of legacy thin clients, PCs and laptops and cutting down on e-waste.
And by eliminating the need to use multiple security software tools and agents, the IGEL Preventative Security Model can also help improve end user productivity. One healthcare customer reported that its nurses saved 40 minutes of valuable time a week due to streamlined login processes.
You can get more detail about IGEL’s Preventative Security model by clicking this link.
Sponsored by Igel.