Sponsored When you’re putting your enterprise security and data management strategy in place, should you worry more about ransomware or natural disasters?
Yes, of course, it’s a trick question. But while you can’t accurately predict when your facilities are likely to be hit by an earthquake, flood, or plague of locusts you can probably be assured that your systems are going to be constantly bombarded by cyberthreats, which increasingly means malware.
That’s why a zero trust approach to security is a given, as is a focus on how quickly you can recover your data if an attack does hit home, and that means immutable backups and rock solid data management.
But how does this all work in practice? You can take a deep dive with this upcoming webcast, Zero Trust Data Management and Near-Zero RTOs for your VMs on October 27 at 5pm BST (9am PT).
Our own, utterly trustworthy Tim Phillips will be joined by Rubrik’s Levern Wilson to fill in the blanks about zero-trust architectures.
They’ll take you through the principles of protecting data across today’s modern, hybrid IT landscape, and drill down into the different recovery methods for virtual machines to achieve near-zero RTOs.
They’ll also explain how Rubrik’s own zero-trust architecture can help your enterprise implement cyber and operational resilience.
Joining us is simplicity itself. Just jump over to the registration page here and drop in your details. We’ll update your calendar and nudge you on the day. Being hit by ransomware is practically a given these days, but having a crisis turn into a disaster isn’t.
Sponsored by Rubrik.